Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Is The Price Corn

The Blessed Virgin favored with abundant expressions and extraordinary visions, for several years, Sister Natalia Magdolna (1901-1992), religious Hungarian born Pozsony near (present Slovakia), belonging to the congregation of Sisters of the Good Shepherd of Santa MarĂ­a Magdalena de Keeskemet.
His life was full of supernatural graces and intense communication with God. Died in the odor of sanctity, being of advanced age.
The promises that we offer below are culled from various message that Jesus and Mary was reported, which were published in the book "The Victorious Queen of the World" by Xaverian Ediciones, SA de CV - Ave Juan Palomar y Arias 694 - Prados Providencia - AP1/133-44100 Guadalajara, Jal. (MEXICO). Jeno Krasznay
Father, Spiritual Director Sister Maria Natalia for some time, renowned theologian and Auxiliary Bishop Europe Isvan Hasz said true these mystical experiences and visions and messages, after a long period of investigation and examination.
A small share in the sufferings of Christ during the Holy Year
Mariano (1983-1984) the Blessed Virgin said to me: "You
, dear children, are yet more fervently share the feelings of the Savior. Look with compassion how he sweated blood in the Garden of Olives, look at their chains, ropes, how he was dragged from one court to another, the spit in the face, the various tortures, how he was beaten, the robe of mockery, the crown of thorns, the weight of the cross, his falls and painful encounters. Of heart you must follow to get to Mount Calvary and see him there, since he removed his clothes and he was crucified. Hanging on the cross, soaked in his blood in agony, how much pain, how much torment to exclaim: "It is finished!"
"My holy Son, dear children, made the work of redemption. His redeeming sacrifice was full, but it also left you a small stake in who chooses and calls some souls to offer intimate union with Him, the sacrifice of his life. Share with them their sufferings to the glory of God and the good of the souls that not one of them is lost. These souls are souls entirely delivered and can do much for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. My holy Son finds his joy in them.
"In today's world, my children, my holy Son has a hundred times greater need of lambs for slaughter. But should you think that participation in the work of Redemption can consist only in the sacrifice. We must start from the Garden of Gethsemane and follow the road that ran through my holy Son. Without it there would be no merit or offering of childbearing.
"The sooner the delivery of a soul, the more glorifies the Father, and therefore helps to save more souls and is a benefactor of mankind. Oh how much can be achieved thanks to the Church and for priests! A soul so effectively cooperates with the conversion of sinners, the relief of the sick, to the salvation of the dying and for souls to come to the land of eternal happiness. A soul thus provided, in conjunction with my Most Holy Son, a true work of redemption.
"With all my heart and with confidence can you, my dear children, against their heavenly Mother, who is always with you so that together we follow the divine Redeemer to the foot of the Cross, where her mother followed.
- Lord Be ye trees that consistently produce good fruit, blessing for the earth and joy of the whole sky! Blessed be the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ever. Amen! The Gift of Life
it sums up all
I felt joy at seeing again and again the faithful who were in the temple were offering their lives driven by the zeal of my spiritual father. I thought to myself: Would you be living? Is it enough to be delivered once? Do you remember then? Then my Jesus spoke thus: "If anyone
, my child, not merely a one-time offer of life, you know, my child? once, in a moment of grace in his heart was kindled the fire of heroic love, sealed it with his life! His life, though not consciously think about it, is now owned by both Sacred Hearts. To my Father there is no time. Man's life is before Him as a whole.
Even if one has made another offer, the gift of life and love is what sums up all over them. This will, Therefore, the corona, dressing more precious and distinctive spiritual nobility of their eternal homeland.
Those with the cross of suffering
The Blessed Virgin said: "When I arrived
, my children, great suffering and spiritual body and you accept it in a spirit of sacrifice, it can be a source of innumerable graces. You can pay with it the sins of omissions of his life and after they have repaid all their debt, can you reach the remaining suffering, borne with patience, the conversion of hardened sinners and give glory to God. Souls saved, thanks to the sufferings accepted by you, can even reach holiness. "When
weighs upon you the cross of suffering, whether caused by a disease or mental suffering, remember that they are but pilgrims on earth. Beyond the grave, there is a wonderful world more beautiful, that God has prepared for their children where they expect a lot more happiness than they deserved because of their suffering patiently endured. In a state of happiness that "eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard" will be immersed their souls for all eternity. While one's life is full of suffering, will always be very short, and will end soon. Rejoice even when they are suffering, because moving to a safe goal and at the end of the road awaits tender arm of his mother and the eternal love of the Holy Trinity.
"I call upon you, my dear children, a ministry of special election, to support the spiritual martyrdom for the sins of others, and that through the sacrifice of their lives, offered with great heart, God can pour rivers of mercy. Think, my dear children, what an immense multitude of souls can be saved from eternal damnation if they bear with patience that small sliver of the holy cross of my Son, that He has given to holding the hand of his mother also participate you the work of redemption. Do not ask, my children, the suffering, but always accept poor delivery, those whom the Lord gives them.
"I can not remove the cross to the chosen souls"
Jesus said
"My sons, my apostles: souls need both suffering accepted by you as sick of medicine. I can not download the cross of your shoulders but at times they think that it will fall under its weight, for if removed, would interrupt the healing process of perishing souls and leave those that can still be saved. When you cancel the debt of one or more souls or curative treatment ends due to suffering offered by them, then remove the cross for some time to force my new copper Apostle, for sublime vocation.
"My sons, one soul that is placed on the altar of sacrifice for love of me and his brothers, a hundredfold increase my Father's glory and joy of my dear Mother. Rise, my children, with greater zeal! My church has never had a stronger need for victims generous as now ... We need souls who are mulling their own problems, but whose gaze is fixed on the other looking at how they can help in the corporal and spiritual. Overturn their thoughts and their selfless love on how to save the infidels and sinners, because they know very well that there is nothing so precious in the world as the souls ... Launch yourself, my children, again and again to the sacred goal of saving souls! Become saints so they can be truly covered my apostles of Christ before the face of my Father!
Message of the Virgin for those who make the offering of life
The Blessed Virgin said:
"When the Eternal Father a soul chooses to give grace to be one of the elect, and in intended to be similar to land His Only Son. And, in what must be like Him? In love and acceptance of suffering. If you follow this your Jesus, the Eternal Father upon you to recognize His holy Son.
"The souls to whom the Eternal Father chose to make the offer of life should strive to save as many souls to God. What can be achieved with fervent prayer, the practice of active charity and helpful, with gentleness, humility, mortification, but above all the patient acceptance of suffering. I think my maternal heart be among my children, the burning souls of the martyrs to love God.
"Even in times of the greatest tests, my dear children, should be taken with boundless confidence in his mother's hand. Together you go to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, his strength in his earthly pilgrimage. Thus strengthened daily by him, you continue the way home to the eternal happiness where in glorious rapture, will recognize each other's who have made his life a love offering to the glory of God and the good of souls.
"Then, my most holy Son is going to strengthen your heart aflame with love, to plunge into the joy of the unity of love of the Holy Trinity in the state of eternal happiness, so they can exult in company souls for those with their generous offer of life managed to attain salvation.
- Amen and have confidence, my children, because God is with you! The Lord loves the life of every soul that made delivery itself. Precisely why not put limits on their sacrifices. Give more, love better! Let this be the watchword of his life.
Merciful Love of Jesus
I once received a book and read it to our Jesus complained that the souls fell down to hell as winter snowflakes. As you read this I began to see the world is around me and in spirit cried at the feet of Jesus. Then Jesus said to me
"Do not cry because it is the evil spirit that wants to denigrate the Merciful Love of my Father. Understand, my dear. If the souls falling into hell like snowflakes fall in winter, my Father had never created man. But he created because he wanted to bestow upon his creatures the happiness of the Blessed Trinity.
"It is true that the man committed the sin of disobedience, but my Father sent the Son, who with his obedience repaired everything. Just fall into the outer darkness those souls until the last moment of its existence reject God. But the soul before it leaves the body only say with regret: "My God, be merciful to me!" Has already been delivered from the outer darkness.
"But look, my daughter, the Merciful Love of My Father reaches even hardened sinners. So I ask the offer of life, which sacrifice together with my bloody sacrifice, achieves that Divine Justice is satisfied and thus may have mercy also for the hardened, at least in the last day or last moment of his life. So summon a multitude of souls dedicated to this fishery apostolic souls. "

Life Prayer Offering
My lovely Jesus in front of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, in front of Our Mother of Heaven and all the heavenly court, I offer, according to the intentions of your heart Eucharist and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all my life, all my holy Masses, Communions, good works, sacrifice and suffering, linking them to the merits of your Holy Blood and your death on the cross: to worship the Glorious Holy Trinity, to offer reparation for our sins, for the unity of our Holy Mother Church, our priests, for good vocations priests and for all souls until the end of the world. Receive
, my Jesus, my offer of life and give me grace to persevere in it faithfully until the end of my life. Amen. Invocation of repentance

My Jesus, I love you above all things!
For love of Thee, I repent of my sins.
hurt me the sins of the world. Oh
Merciful love!, In union with our Blessed Mother and her Immaculate Heart, I implore You for forgiveness of my sins and the sins of all men, my brothers, until the end of the world!
My kind Jesus, in union with the merits of your Holy Wounds, I offer my life to the Eternal Father, according to the intentions of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Virgin Mary, Queen of the Universe Advocate of humanity and our hope, pray for us!
Five Promises of the Blessed Virgin for making the offer of life
1. Their names will be enrolled in the Heart of Jesus, burning with love, and the Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary.
2. For his offer of life, together with the merits of Jesus, save many souls from damnation. The merit of his sacrifice will benefit the souls until the end of the world.
3. Nobody from the family members will be condemned, although this appears to outward appearances, because before the soul leaves the body, get deep into your soul, the perfect grace of repentance.
4. On the day of its offer, the members of his family who were in purgatory, out of there.
5. At the time of his death will be at her side and take their souls, without passing through purgatory, in the presence of the Glorious Holy Trinity where in the house by the Lord, will rejoice eternally with Me.
message to the mothers of the world (1986)
The Blessed Virgin said:
"In the heart of many mothers burning pain. They press the heart, the spiritual state of their children, their immoral behavior, the fate of his life beyond death. For love of them, moved by compassion, I reached my prayers the five promises. To be consoled, offering a total supply all the events of his life, because the sacrifice offered by the other produces the fruit of salvation for souls. In addition, you can not outdo the merciful love of God.
most beloved sons of the Virgin (1986)
The Blessed Virgin said: "Make available
, my children, the great graces which contributes to offer their lives for love, who suffer greatly in body and soul to the terminally ill, which are prevented from moving, which lie prostrate on the bed. Shew that do not suffer in vain. Gold currency is for all mankind, and themselves, because it reaches to take his soul and heart, peace, strength and relief, thinking that the patient acceptance of suffering, great joy and happiness awaits you in heaven. The soul chosen

This request of our Blessed Mother, by the grace of God, and I'm practicing long time, and have experienced how much relief they felt seriously ill, when the light of grace have been able to understand the great benefits they receive acceptance and self-donation.
visited in hospital seriously ill, especially those who own or their relatives are going to see and those who have lost contact with relatives. The more suffering she found in patients suffering from cancer or were overthrown in the bed. Most of them were aware that their disease was incurable, and therefore no longer made sense for them life. They believed they could no longer be useful to anyone.
But when they finally understand:
- They are the most beloved children of the Blessed Virgin,
- that in them the Lord Jesus is looking for partners,
- that Jesus calls them to unite their sufferings with the sufferings of his sacrifice on the Cross continued his redemption,
- they are the true treasures of the Church,
- that their suffering can save souls,
- which can reach holy priestly vocations,
- can contribute to establishing peace in the world,
- that through their suffering can atone for the sins themselves and others,
- That at the time of his death would come "without passing through purgatory-the kingdom of heaven, then, to become aware of this, the grace worked admirably in them. They wept with joy to see how much you love God and the Blessed Virgin. They believed that God was angry with them and took their suffering as punishment. There were those who did not believe that God exists and thought about suicide. When they recognized what a great grace lies in making the offer of life and that no creature can give more to their Creator, have changed greatly. Patients became and her general condition improved. The nurse could not help noticing the quiet of the sick, their beautiful new behavior. They have become hidden saints of the Lord and have maintained their faithfully to the end offering. Some restored to health, others died holy.
pray every night with our heavenly Mother kind and sweet to increase the number of those who have the grace to offer their lives for love, which will give them relief, peace, tranquility and strength to bear the suffering of the earth, and eternal bliss in heaven. Our heavenly Mother pray also for those who have come and grace to offer his life, to persevere in it faithfully, living faith, to death. Prayer
recommended by the Blessed Virgin the sick
My Jesus, I know that You love me. He whom You love is sick. If possible, go from me this cup of suffering. But I'd say just what you said in the garden of Gethsemane: "Not my will but yours."
Strengthen me and comfort me, my Jesus. Our Mother, Blessed Mother, You who heal the sick, pray for me with your Holy Child. Amen.
Author: NATALIA SOR Magdalene.


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