Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poems To Make A Woman Horney

Bolivia Rally

The black border, while I was sick for procedure

Everything indicates that this is the path that leads me to Tupiza, but just in case brake beside those workers who are paving the road and wonder. The answer is unanimous, and without hesitation I say,
- Yes! and you're all paved to Tupiza.
That party! (I think). Thank you and keep walking.
Manu Chao "Clandestino" playing really hard with me because I was too tight helmet headset. Fails to finish the first issue, that the route is a sign: Detour, and an arrow to the right.
can not continue along the route. The road leads to the former gravel road. 90 km of gravel! and saw very pronounced.

The bloody rubble, Tupiza way

Poor black! vibration that causes the saw (as they say here) makes you lose the right mirror (previously arranged with the drop and duct tape, because had come out with a drop in Iruya) and breaking the plastic housing of the headlight.
To make matters worse, for 90 kms on brand new asphalt driveway to the side watching as Rejoicing.
course, friends of the work they forgot to tell me that everything was paved but was not enabled yet.
You will travel nearly three hours and cacti are everywhere. We are coming to Tupiza.
Cactus, greenery and red mountains assemble the characteristic landscape of this city.

Cactus, cactus and more cactus, reaching

Tupiza We
! a beer in the square, to find accommodation and expect to Luqui, Ger y Cata (those who remained in the "Community") arriving on the train at 7 pm.

Loading nassssta, as soon as we reach Tupiza


Colors Villazón. Broaster Chicken (fried)

By bus, hitchhiking, returning from Tupiza to Villazon to do some paperwork. I left the rest black

Cata did not reach the top of the truck and peered over the side

Video way to San Juan, Salta (video tribute to the "lost" the Teto)

Video finger in the truck


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