Friday, July 30, 2010

Chicken Pox Only On Leg

A square face. Recommendation

Una esfera cuadrada.

A square face.

Don Camilo often says that a day without drinking a beer, is a day incomplete sentence of great wisdom, but of course this is no interest back, as Don Cameron is the owner of the canteen in the village. Among the many followers of so exalted philosophy, is Mario Bonita, who despite being one of the top ten customers Don Camillo, he has never been seen drunk on several occasions even though he is seen out late at night accompanied by Calixto Arriaga place one of the three drunkards in the village. Calixto owns the most famous and popular poultry in the region served by Eustaquia, housewives across the region come to buy the largest chicken legs with fleshy, juicy breasts, always accompanied by their husbands, nephews, children and other male relatives, who came to enjoy the same benefits of the birds, but in human form so beautifully given by nature in Eustaquia.

Gash Under Front Bumper

Literary, Science Fiction and Comedy.

Recomendación Literaria, Ciencia Ficción y Comedia.

Recommendation Literary Science Fiction and Comedy.

I recently read the book "The Warrior's Apprentice" by Lois McMaster Bujold.

apparently is the second book in a series of books, but the first of the adventures of the protagonist "Vorkorsigan Miles."

Located in a royal-like planet in a future where there are spacecraft, the plot deals with some of Miles to be joining the army, since it belongs to the family Vorkorsigan where they have always been the greatest military generals. But Miles has a physical disability, and fails the physical examination of entry by breaking the legs, unable to take the theory test. Decides to go on holiday to the planet his maternal grandmother, accompanied by his bodyguards Bothari, and Elena, the daughter of Bothari.

already on the planet of his grandmother, he does engage the target with 3 people, a half-mad pilot, a soldier and a fugitive smuggler, so you end up going with a spatial area where two planets are at war. Arrested by the mercenaries hired by a planet to block supplies of the other (which is the contraband that they bring) Miles is forced to find a way to avoid imprisonment and possible death, displaying imagination and strategy rather absurd but totally effective that not only would be saved on that occasion, but to make an Admiral Naismith imaginary organization which ended up leading a force of mercenaries that will turn the war situation in the area, before having to return to his home planet.

A plot of science fiction, space battles good enough by itself, but becomes a comedy of great levels for the main character, Miles Vorkorsigan because the strategies you use, some dancing between the ridiculous and implausible compared to the expertise and efficiency. And that's in the personality and actions of Miles and his party that arises how wonderful this book, which has caused him to drop plenty of laughter. A great comedy in a field of science fiction.

Definitely will have to find the following books in the series, which promises, but apparently published in English only have one, so we must resort to the original English version. Kisses Jessica

Monday, July 26, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Columbus Ohio

Titicaca and La Paz, feels

I open one eye and the first thing I hear the other side of the door are funny voices, as if they spoke another dialect indecipherable. I'm cold, so cold that keeps me in bed beyond the desire I have to open the door and see how I am. I can not tell what time it is, the light enters through a few translucent glass blocks and no way of even seeing the sun's position.
Despite the confusion generated by the combination of cold sleep and take strength and hit a jump. With both feet on the land grab in the same clothes every day, I wear it and could open the door.
chairs in there between seven and ten human beings, I think, very different traits trying to communicate with each other. I go, but the cold and sleep is compounded by the diversity of dialects, making the growing confusion and communication impossible. Friendly smiles seal the situation. I still
way to exit. Gari opens the lock and waving coordial, "How are you Nico? You have the face to the pillow," opens the door. Many
light dazzles me, I rubbed his eyes a few steps and when they finally get used to the new achieving environmental start seeing blur as half the houses there in the distance, they will eat into the mountains.

walk down the uneven pavement, very uneven, almost stumbling walk through the door and after a few seconds the colors, smells and noise of the waking end market. Very kindly lady attends the mi9sma everyday. With their colorful dresses and sympathy smile gets me out the second day and fills me with a bag of fruit for breakfast.
under way., Uphill, and waves. Minibuses speeding do not stop honking their horns, stun me, I burn.

Hastening the way through the uneven cobblestone streets and colorful facades, arrived.
beings of the seats went to the kitchen. Breakfast massive, rare languages \u200b\u200bexchange.
With a full belly I go to court and get the black about to go out with your antlers out to fight the busy streets of La Paz.

photic several

BBQ in the terrace of Carter, mountain meals right there in the city

the background, the snow, La Paz

mural outside the new amphitheater in La Paz

Black and White

night, blurred and international
La Paz

Friday, July 23, 2010

Guys Pleasuring Themselves

The blog is in mourning

The blog is in mourning on Tuesday, someone stole my camera, an essential tool to add color to this blog. Tomorrow will surely rise as an entry with some photos that were in a friend's compu. But in the next I will strive to writing to try to close the gap of the photos. Sallu friends, the rest goes perfectly. Pa hug tuti mundi

Monday, July 12, 2010

Board3 Portal Russianbare


At that time, he said Jesus to his apostles:

- "Do not think that I came to earth to bring peace, I have not come to bring peace but a sword. I have come to loggerheads man with his father, a daughter against her mother, with her mother-in-law, the enemies of each will be those of your own home.

He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of me: he that loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life shall lose it and whoever loses his life for me will find it.

He who receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me the one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will pay a prophet, and he who receives a righteous man because he is will pay just fair.

who give to drink, but no more than a cup of cold water to one of these poor things, just because he is my disciple, you will not lose their pay, I assure you. "

When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and preach in their cities.

Word of the Lord.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Master Bation Viedios

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Noticed A Brown Spot On My Cat's Eye

Tour Rodero and fame in La Paz

abandoned houses and RUINS

Tour with Pablito to Rodero, a "ghost town" to twenty miles


Abandoned house

rustic truck


Rustic Kitchen


San Isidro

Without understanding exactly how, or why he was waiting on a pizzeria to interview me to get started doing home deliveries and a table I see a woman reading daily newspaper and who was he? The black and me. Ridiculous, but it was.
In closing, the link with the note that I did for the newspaper La Razón, La Paz Bolivia and pages of newspapers

In "The Reason"

And the crazy "Page 7" made a note of almost an entire page