Sunday, May 23, 2010

Difference Between Ultrahd Vs Minohd

Friday, May 21, 2010

Vancouver Stomach Virus


Two or three days in Cachi with trips to ruins, and a trip to dry and arid climate, high mountains with snow and rain forest in only 160 kms to get to Salta.
Here I am now in the Martin house, Nati, Gaston and Regi. Thank you very much friends for the wave! (Recommendation: listen to the radio show guys: - the program call: Puzzle).
Here we also find Lucky and Ger, two friends from the beginning of the trip that were installed to record their first productions under the name: Duo Nant ( / duonianta )
Today show a few photos and I write fast, I'm going to Purmamarca already come posting news and some good writing.
Thank you all! I welcome your comments! Healthy friends!

Road to "The Pots" ruins that are a few miles from Cachi. There was a lunch stop sambùches.
The landscape in the ruins


rich mountain Amiguito

National Park

Another view of the park

The line of "Tin-Tin"

Snow on the way to Salta route (video)

Home in Salta

And for those who asked ... the careless cemetery jua jua juaaaa:

an open coffin, this is one of many who had

vault destroyed

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Long For Metronidazole To Take Effect

Our Lady of Medjugorje

Friday, May 14, 2010

Imagen De Los Gator De Florida

A 40 by 40

With a full tank of wine that you like, the black booted. Weight hardly mattered that I had, since the landscape of the excited dance enough.

The black fully charged, the addition is the hollow trunk of the plants that are like aloe vera but larger, and goat leather. The intention: to make a drum, I have to find someone to teach me

the first kilometers of asphalt were known from the tour San Carlos, and some breaks early to know Animaná noble land of wine and Route 40 in the light of the moon.
But after San Carlos began the gravel, the road became hostile and began to shine really black.
With new shoes and Clandestine ringing in the headphones, took me by the sand pits and mountains of stones disguising slips like dance moves without me touching the ground with their feet. I resigned myself to show you where to go, she knew that traces choose. After all
Clandestino and six or seven issues appetite for destruction, we stopped to breathe, watching the scenery of the Gorge of the Arrows and eating rice croquettes with Cata had prepared the night before.

The lunch spot in the Gorge of the Arrows

restarted, the landscape and we are delighted shuffle music sound became super rocker in recitations Don Atahualpa Yupanqui travelers, describing the landscapes that were passing as if walking with his horse alongside ours.

Following the Gorge of the Arrows, further down the path and a green valley with a river

The road was hard, but the banks of sand had disappeared, the 80 miles of gravel road full of ups and downs tiring and demanding. So it was that I began to black signs: was running out of oil. We stopped, rested, I added oil to mixture and just before I started right there, in a kind of hill, a very imposing adobe wall with a door in the middle of which stood a cross. It was a graveyard. Alone in the middle of the mountain, seemed abandoned.

The mysterious wall

I left and walked down the black. Was as destroyed. Adobe vaults had collapsed, open drawers (there are pictures but they are not suitable for printing), fallen crosses and tombs that appeared to have been desecrated. Luckily it was daytime.


I took some pictures and continue.
The landscape changed with the passage of kilometers. Route 40 is great (this is also 40), takes many different forms and colors along its length.
The aim was to Cachi, and after much travel time, and had spent about four hours since we started, there appeared a green sign for those routes that announced that the next town was Seclantas, and I knew then 20 kms was the ultimate goal.
anxiety also left aside and decided to get to know this beautiful place which had good references, including the theme "seclanteño" (recommendation: listen version of Pedro Aznar ).
Beautiful place.

Seclantas 's Square


croquettes, chat with the founder of the first school poncho loom (very interesting) and we drove on.
20 km of gravel were in better condition and with Broken by a thousand parts in the headphones, playing at full speed, was the most relaxing and exciting travel.
After five hours we reached Cachi, parked and sat down to take a rich blonde and Salta in the square waiting for something to tell me to sleep.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How Many Carbs In Homemade Bean Soup

entry decisions

is cool pretty cool, but opening the closure of the tent the first rays of sunshine are beginning to heat up. Chori Never mind the dog friend, wagging its tail is about as fast as anything else in this town, and wringing of happiness as if I had done something for that to happen, or the embers of the boiler that are lit from last night as every morning, and a few breaths and some wood ignite the flame that keeps the water warm all day.

Chori near the boiler, killing cold morning

hands already well into heat, it's time to turn off the lights that lit up at night and now with the whole day ahead and the sun beating down, do not get to tell whether they are on or off.
then breakfast. the water waiting to boil coca leaves for tea and drying in the heat toaster to toast the bread half hard, it's time to leave, opening the door to the place and enjoy the scenery (see video) way to the store to buy fresh milk.
Step through the square and try to communicate with a Scandinavian who speak differently, but without much success. Without doubt the target who took the hostel / camping since I request to invite people, became travelers, hippies, artisans, students, families, business or vacation happy lovebirds, but cake speak my language. (Also on several occasions I managed to exchange a few friendly words and persuade them to stay gringos)

Plaza de Cafayate, every day we walk around looking for new camping guests for

be back and I find water almost evaporated and the toaster requesting the change. Nothing serious.
again preparing the breakfast and I sit down on the vine and no grapes to drink tea and chat with guests who are raised and yawning. All, without exception, make comments on the good climate.

breakfast beneath the fig

memory and also I think what I said yesterday the friendly young man who kept Salta serve gin behind the bar, with rounds as background music throughout the night at the bar next to the campground. He told me that Miriam, the owner, took advantage of the vaijeros. It sounds strong, but in fact she told me that was working so long ago because it suited him.
Sure, there fell. I'm working all day, you are paying me only 20% of the daily gain of camping (in a very good day for me as I still have a lot of 25 pesos) and do not let me sleep in a room because she says it must always be ready to guests. That's exploitation! Why did not I thought about it before? I work all day, and when I say all day is ALL DAY. Okay, it relaxed me more than any other job you had. But if I were not stuck there, there would be nobody to care for people coming, so people would not stay, so Miriam would not make money. So some responsibility I have ... (Sorry, I was thinking out loud).
Here, down the vine, tea and toast breakfast, I just decided that I leave. If not today or tomorrow, but I'm going to go.
That's the beauty of being with the black, when I want, we leave. She is always ready to go on the road


Mandarins, lifting the floor to avoid stepping on them is part of everyday work

A house in the middle of the mountain, way to the 7 waterfalls. I was not

Paul and Tasting in session fotoebriáfica

Animaná nocturnal excursion, a town 20 km Cafayate. This photo is in the "Church" Avandonada. " It was not a church, or be abanonada. It was about 3 am and there were lights on.

Sameena Farewell, Ger, Lucki, Sofi and Paul

Cata painting his mural on one wall of the camping

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Choclate Pretzelsspider Bites Candy

warning Brief

Amiguitos: I write quickly, because I are waiting for food and food is almost.
I commented, for those who did not know, I got to work. I'm here in Cafayate, and I was working as a manager in the Hostel / Camping "El Parque" (entry appears in the last photo of the previous post). All this has me half busy, because I have to clean up the park, keep the boiler turned on, meet people, go out and find new friends to the place for staying, and many more activities, but all outdoors under the sun at the foot of the mountains. Also
morning in one of the many free moments of the day I'm going to come to upload some pictures and tell you a little more.
Not many anecdotes and stories rare than the fact of having met many people and the occasional excursion to the dark night along the routes and villages around here, I say night because the night is the time that I have to go for a while long and that everything remains under control.
Well folks, we are in touch and come back tomorrow or more stories and photos to share.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Everyday Minerals Concealers Swatch


(May 3) On 14 September 337 in Jerusalem was consecrated the basilica of Golgotha \u200b\u200b(Martyrium) and of the Holy Sepulchre (the Anastasis). Blessed Egeria, who visited the Holy City in the late s. IV that the celebrations in honor of Santa Cruz were as important as Christmas and Easter, and that no Christian, that was not legitimately impeded, should stop participating at least once in their life. It reads: "The festival last eight days, but since long before they begin mobs of monks coming from Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and the Thebaid, which are very numerous. None that no trip to Jerusalem in those days, to enjoy so much joy and wonderful days. Also lay men and women, come to Jerusalem from all provinces of the Empire. The bishops, when they are few, reach 40 or 50, and they travel many of their clergy. " As in the solemn celebrations offered to the faithful holding the relic of the Holy Cross, from the sixth century the feast was called "Triumph of the Cross." He soon began holding similar festivals in all the churches who had the joy of owning a relic of Santo Madero. Rome is attested from mid-century VII. In 635, the Persians invaded the Holy Land, stole their treasures and destroyed all their churches, except that of Bethlehem (because they were represented at the entrance to the 3 wise men dressed as Persians, respected and honored because there some ancestors of his people). Among the treasures, they took the relic of the Holy Cross, which was adorned with a case of gold and precious stones. The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius Augustus, made war against the Persians and managed to beat them, recovering the Cross, who led a procession to Jerusalem. It appears that arrived on May 3, so began to have a party in honor of Cross each year on that date. Over time, this event also became universal. In Spain, it was customary to erect a cross adorned with flowers, candles and other decorations in the streets and doors of the churches. In some places, like Granada and Valencia, tradition is preserved. Caravaca de la Cruz set at this time the party in honor of his patron. And is still celebrated with many rituals (wreath, processions, blessing of water, flowers and wine, race horses wine, Moors and Christians ...) I attached a small article on the Cross, I asked magazine for the holidays. May the love of Christ, led to the end on the Cross, guide us and we store. Amen.