Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fake My Community Service

TV Series "The walking dead"

Then I saw the 6 episodes that make up season 1 of the series "The Walking Dead" which came out last year. A television series about zombies for sure is a good thing.

The series started well, an interesting topic and I believe is the first attempt to show how television series.

The first chapter starts very similar to the movie "28 days later" after a scene with the protagonist facing a zombie in a gas station, we have the flashbacks, we see the main character being shot, awakening in a hospital not knowing what happens, and find that they are all dead, and in the confusion see the first zombies, find survivors and decided to go for your family to the city of Atlanta, and the brink of death when struck by a crowd of zombies who do hide inside an abandoned tank surrounded by zombies. A great first chapter, with the burden of disorientation of the protagonist that makes you identify with him in the face of this apocalypse zombie almost alone.

In the second chapter we see that there are more survivors, including the family of the protagonist and is on the outskirts of the city, our hero is rescued by another group of survivors within the city, but the rescue made the zombies close attack the building where the other survivors so you should plan how to escape while solving their internal conflicts. Escape and surprise, both groups of survivors are the same, and the protagonist is reunited with his family. The part of the city a good chapter, part of the camp, with plenty of scenes, especially as the wife of the protagonist is a lover who walks with a friend of the protagonist., As it sounds to try to get a future conflict or love triangle force.

So far the series goes well, have presented what has occurred, the main character and have made an identification with its history, and we know the rest of the survivors.

comes the third chapter, a vision of life in the camp survivors, to know, unfortunately here the series fails, the conflict between the protagonist-loving wife, friend paused, the rest of his little story or character development is almost nil, not able to create such empathy from the viewer, that want to be saved. The chapter ends with the protagonist returning to the city along with 3 other people to rescue a survivor who left abandoned in the previous chapter.

fourth chapter where the action again split into two, the only camp I will say that I find boring and ridiculous (the alleged conflict is a guy who gets to dig holes on your own, and it scares them that all), part of the city begins well, and helps us meet the 4 characters go looking for the forgotten Merle. Rick the hero, Daryl's brother Merle, T-Dog who neglect to Merle, and Rick Glenn rescued in the second chapter. There are another group of survivors who will have a showdown to decide who gets a bag of weapons and although the sounds absurd as it solves a good plot. At the end of the camp is attacked by zombies and the 4 who went to the city come with weapons to kill the zombie attack.

fifth chapter in the camp knows it is no longer safe to be there, one must move, the group broke up, those who decide to go with the protagonist tried to get to the CDC in Atlanta with the hope of finding help, the chapter feels too slow. Finally arrive at the CDC and see only death and destruction, and find it closed, night falls and must decide whether to go there or away, we see the protagonist in a last cry alone to who might be within the CDC, seeking one last cry hope.

These three chapters are where the series has a relapse, the stories of the camp sounds forced, the characters are simple fillings, now is a small group in others seem to be more, all anonymous or indifferent with the exception of Rick, and to a lesser Glenn and Darryl degree.

The sixth and last chapter of the season, the group sees as the CDC opens the door, and find that only one person there, explained what happened, who are the zombies. But the CDC is not a place to stay, in fact, is in his final hours as his energy is ending, the conflict reappears love triangle, without being conflict as an attempted forced the viewer to remember that follows Hence, even if it sounds to non-existent. The potential conflict is at the time that the scientist locked up, when power runs out, the CDC exploded and all will die. You can convince the group to let them try to survive, will leave the CDC when the outputs have been blocked, managed to make before it is completed 15 minutes prior to the destruction, the reality is that as a viewer does not matter, perhaps out of Rick and Daryl, the rest does not matter if it survives or not, it feels like filler characters, who are just waiting for that chapter will touch down before a zombie survival it just means that we can see if there is a second season, seeing more stories of fighting with zombies, and hope they find another group of survivors with characters that sound more real, and give the human conflict that makes these stories interesting, far from exposed the absurdities of conflict so far.

A series that started well, which had a midpoint bad, and that in the end fails to recover while having an interesting back story, at least put starting point to see if this changes in the future. Hopefully the second season managed to rescue the series.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Discontinue Xbox Live Membership

Let me in (let me)

Let me in (let me)

The weekend saw the movie Let me in (Let me in Mexico). This is the American remake of a Swedish film which I have not seen, so I can not compare. And maybe that is good, because I see this movie without knowing anything about it before.

The film tells of a boy named Owen who lives in an apartment complex and is teased at school, new people come to live and soon will know Abby one night in the playground. Gradually Abby Owen and Iran is a friend in the few moments match. It turns out that Abby has a secret, she is a girl vampire.
At the same time we see the story of Owen and Abby, we see the other side, the father of Abby commit murder to get blood, and the detective trying to solve the killings.
the end both stories together and both Abby and Owen must take a position with respect to the other.

The movie I found it was interesting to see another way of approaching the myth of the Vampire, and the clash between a vampire picture and innocent girl.
80% of the film is Abby and Owen, and I must say that both child actors who give life to the characters meet on the task of interpreting them.
Another thing that pleased me was The setting and photography, actually communicates tension, loneliness, isolation. Attention
the fire scene in the hospital, awesome. Recommended film